Goumbook is very proud to celebrate the conclusion of the Drop It Youth campaign’s first year, with an Achievement Award Ceremony to recognize and reward the young ambassadors who took part
Sponsored by HSBC, the campaign encourages environmentally-conscious students to inspire sustainable living practices in their schools and local communities. With the unique support and guidance of Goumbook’s team of professional environmentalists, the Environment Agency Abu Dhabi, KHDA, EAD, Eco-schools and Eedama, the youngsters from this year’s campaign have been incredibly successful in their achievements.
By requesting people in their local community to take online pledges on the Drop It Youth website, these young ambassadors encouraged people and local businesses to take a stand against single-use plastics and to drink filtered tap water in an attempt to dramatically reduce their waste, carbon and water footprint. Some of them have succeeded in removing all single-use plastics form their school canteens.
The ambassadors managed to get over 1,800 pledges from members of the local community towards reducing single use plastics:

Applications for the upcoming Drop It Youth Campaign 2019/2019 will re-open in September 2018.