About The MENA Oceans Network

The MENA Oceans Network is an initiative by Goumbook to unify diverse ocean linked stakeholders across the region and accelerate the pace of ocean action under a collaborative framework. Breaking silos, this initiative brings together policy makers, academia and researchers, the private sector and innovators, alongwith the youth and community to drive impact.

Our mission is to accelerate the pace of ocean action, with the following mandate as our key priorities:

  • Conserving, restoring and rehabilitating the ocean’s natural capital by identifying and scaling impact driven region-wide initiatives
  • Catalyzing resources and efforts towards a climate-resilient, sustainable blue economy, through wide-ranging partnerships
  • Building awareness on ocean linked issues, for diverse stakeholders to take accountability and action.
  • Enabling equitable conservation and growth opportunities for vulnerable habitats and communities across the region

Objective of The Network

Key Pillars of Pillars of Engagement

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Knowledge Sharing

- Enabled on a digital platform
- Collating country specific data on key indicators
- Sharing scientific research
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Actions on Critical Gaps

- Establishment of Working Groups
- Connecting pipeline projects with resources and enablers
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Outreach & Mobilization

- Monthly webinars with global leaders
- Ocean Citizenship programme for the youth
- Satellite events and seminars

Working Groups: Focus Areas

The groups form the primary mode of engagement for all member organizations. Groups would work in cohesion, to achieve impactful outcomes. Each group will prioritise data gathering, sharing scientific research, identifying challenges and fostering multi-stakeholder partnerhsips.
