Fair Care - Goumbook’s social equity, holistic health and wellbeing campaign

Fair Care promotes the resilience, health and wellbeing of the most vulnerable individuals and communities in the UAE in a way that reduces negative impacts on human and planetary health.

Some Facts

2.3 BILLION PEOPLE around the world lack basic hygiene services, including soap and water at home. (CDC, 2022)

Appropriate hand hygiene prevents up to 50% of avoidable infections. (WHO, 2022)

Globally, around 500 million women lack access to menstrual products, leading them to resort to unsanitary alternatives that increase their chances of infection. (The World Bank, 2022)

40% of oral health expenditure in the UAE are due to completely avoidable gum disease and tooth decay. In 2016, one in five people in the Emirates suffered from gum disease, while tooth decay was a problem for 36% of residents. Fixing a single tooth with implants or replacements can cost up to AED 5,000.  (Health Authority Abu Dhabi, 2016)

Our Approach

The Fair Care program promotes…

…human health and wellbeing: We facilitate equitable access to physical and mental health opportunities, resources, products and services.

…low environmental impact: We focus on items that have a long lifespan, are free of chemicals and plastics, low waste, and come from recycled or upcycled sources supporting circular economy and planetary health.

…social justice: We follow an inclusive, age and gender-sensitive, and financially accessible mandate prioritizing low-cost treatments and cost-effective reusable items.

…community: We enable businesses and individuals to show solidarity and compassion through CSR, volunteering, pro-bono, or in-kind support.

Our Programmes

We curate programmes and activities that provide access to health and wellbeing products, services and engagement opportunities for low-income and vulnerable communities, such as:

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Dental Checkups and Treatments

Access to essential dental care for individuals facing financial hardship through partner clinics offering treatments at nominal fees.
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Care Kits Packing Activities (Hygiene)

Packing events featuring circular and sustainable hygiene products that promote both the health and wellbeing of low-income communities and planetary health.
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Care Kits Packing Activities (Holistic Wellness)

Wellness-focused kits filled with nature-based, sustainable products for vulnerable individuals, including those undergoing or recovering from treatments.
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Art Therapy Activities

Creative workshops that support emotional expression and wellbeing, with artworks gifted to schools, wellness centers, and hospitals.
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Create Your Own Bespoke Activity

Customized activities that enhance wellbeing and tailor to community needs, from holistic therapy circles and support groups to nutrition and fitness sessions, and beyond.

Forms Of Participation

We curate programmes and activities that provide access to health and wellbeing products, services and engagement opportunities for low-income and vulnerable communities, such as:


Fair Care enables multi-stakeholder partnerships across sectors, from the public and private sectors to charities and foundations, in order to maximize impact. We partner with clinics offering treatments, corporates to drive CSR engagements, health and wellbeing professionals providing equitable care, and associations connecting beneficiaries to these services.

Our partnership with ROZE BioHealth and BioDental Clinics

Launched in 2017 under the Year of Giving, this partnership aims to support low income earners in the UAE and offers quality dental care, improving the lives of residents and putting a permanent smile on their faces. Everyone deserves the very best dental care, but sadly not everybody can afford it. However, we strongly believe this should be the right of every human being.

ROZE BioHealth and BioDental Clinics provides high-quality dental care for those in need, covering 90% of medical expenses for eligible UAE residents earning less than AED 3,500 per month and agree to a holistic approach to their treatment.

The dental clinic shoulders 90% of the total cost of dental treatment and doctors and nurses will all work absolutely free. The consultation is free, and the first CT scan is also free and patients only need to pay for 10% of their treatment.
Treatments can range from dental fillings, wisdom tooth removal and dental bone grafting to dental implants and orthodontics. Knowing that dental problems can lead to serious general health and well-being issues, it is really important to help.

Local Charities And Foundations We Work With

We collaborate with the Dubai Foundation for Women and Children and Majlis Al Amal – part of Jalila Foundation to deliver on these wellbeing products and services to women and children.

If you are an organization representing the needs of our Fair Care target beneficiaries, please reach out to ask@goumbook.com.

Fair Care In Numbers

 Care Kits Distributed

0 +

 Beneficiaries Served


Preventive Health Flyers Distributed


ROZE BioHealth and BioDental Clinics in Numbers

 Beneficiaries Served


Medical Hours Provided


Contact us for more information

SDG Alignment


Good Health and Well-being

SDG 10

Reduced Inequalities

SDG 11

Sustainable Cities and Communities

SDG 12

Responsible Consumption and Production

SDG 17

Partnerships For The Goals

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