Goumbook launches Forward Talks Podcast special series “Climate Leaders- Rising up to COP 28

goumbook, climate change, climate leaders, cop28
Her Excellency Mona Al-Marri, Director General of the Government of Dubai Media Office, and Tatiana Antonelli Abella, Founder and CEO at Goumbook and Forward Talks Podcast host.

Goumbook’s Forward Talks podcast is proud to launch a special series titled “Climate Leaders- Rising up to COP28” in the UAE Year of Sustainability and the year of COP28 UAE. Forward Talks is a well-established podcast, launched in 2019 and has close to 50 engaging published episodes to date, across sustainability topics, hosted by Tatiana Antonelli Abella, Founder of Goumbook.  This new special series of the Forward Talks podcast was launched with the support of Dubai Government’s Media Office at the recent Dubai Press Club Podfest in the run up to Cop 28, in the presence of HE Mona Al Marri; and in partnership with Mastercard MEA.

Ten new episodes, as part of “Climate Leaders- Rising up to COP28” will feature inspiring conversations with climate leaders, champions and changemakers amplifying the much- needed awareness and engaging dialogue around Climate Change and its supporting topics, across industries and sectors,  from the UAE and the region.

Stay tuned as we announce and publish further episodes leading up to COP28 with exciting & inspiring guest appearances from regional climate leaders.

social responsibility, sustainability, sustainable living

These episodes of the special series have been published so far and are available to listen to:

Special Series Episode Introducing: Climate Leaders- Rising up to Cop28 with Roberta Calarese, the founder of Ghaya, a strategy consultancy aiming to transform businesses into a force for good & embedding leadership with a purpose.

Sheikh Dr Majid Al Qassimi on the Nexus Between Soil Health and Food Security  Sheikh Dr. Majid Sultan Al Qassimi. Until 2021, Dr. Majid was the Advisor to the Minister regarding all things Food and Agriculture, at the UAE’s Ministry of Climate Change and Environment. He’s now a founding partner at Soma Mater.

Mohammed Mahmoud, Director of Climate and Water Program at the Middle East Institute on the social and environmental implications of water security in the Middle East.We talk about his role at the Institute studying the region, and to understand the issues we’re seeing both globally and in the region as a result of climate change.

Click HERE to view all episodes.

Stay tuned as we announce and publish further episodes leading up to COP28 with exciting & inspiring guest appearances from regional climate leaders. The Forward Talks podcast episodes are published and available to listen to on the Goumbook website and all major podcast apps such as Apple Podcast, Spotify Google Podcast, Overcast, PocketCasts along with regional apps such as Anghami. We hope you enjoy listening to them as much as we enjoyed producing them! For more information about Goumbook and our Forward Talks podcast, please Contact Us.