Positive Environment: Reusable Face Masks That Plant Ghaf Trees

Reusable Face Masks That Plant Ghaf Trees

Who would have predicted that wearing facemasks and constantly using hand sanitiser would become the new norm following the COVID-19 pandemic. We are now living in strange times and it is clear that wearing face covering is important more so, for kids attending school as it serves a protection and prevention from the virus.

Just before schools reopened Goumbook partnered with One Good Thing – a social enterprise dedicated to making a positive impact whereby each eco-friendly and socially conscious product purchased on their website has direct social and environmental impact. The aim of the collaboration is to plant Ghaf trees in schools for a certain number of reusable masks purchased by parents and schools making an important contribution towards providing children with a positive environment.

How does it work? Anyone who visits the One Good Thing website and purchases one of their specially designed double-layered cotton school masks can nominate a school to which they would like to donate a tree. This means that each time a certain amount of school masks are bought; one indigenous tree will be planted in the name of the school. Each tree planted in the school grounds will serve as a reminder for pupils in the coming years of the tumultuous events of 2020 and the growing importance of looking after the natural heritage of the United Arab Emirates.

“Like so many, our business has changed considerably over the past couple of months. A conversation with a local tailor, a radio interview and partnerships with local designers have, with our customer’s help, enabled us to make an impact and give back in the place we call home.” Explains Co-Founder of One Good Thing Bridgett Lau.

“Since April we have sold over 5000 face covers, gifted an additional 1250 face covers to someone in the community in need and kept a local tailor in business for over 70 days.” Continues Lau.

The newly designed face coverings have a double-layered breathable cotton include a pocket to insert a surgical mask if required. The soft fabric insides and soft material loops around the ears is gentle on the skin, machine washable and most importantly reusable. An additional neck strap prevents children from losing their mask (attached with Velcro for safety), and children can ‘own’ their mask with nametags. The 95% cotton masks come in a variety of colours, available in plain 5 colours to match your school uniform.

“This tree is a great survivor! Fierce temperatures, searing winds, high rates of water loss…the Ghaf tolerates them all.” says Tatiana Antonelli Abella, Founder and Managing Director at Goumbook. “Just as the Ghaf is resilient, we need to show strength and give hope during these challenging times, and what better way than to plant Ghaf trees! We are delighted to be collaborating with One Good Thing in order to make this happen”.

To choose your school face cover and help your school plant some indigenous Ghaf trees, click here.