BioWare ME
Business Category
Business Phone Number
+971 55 7440045
Short Business Description
BioWare ME was established by a team of friends who strive to join the anti plastic movement. Founded in 2019 BioWare provides products that are total game changers biodegradable food packaging and hospitality products made from renewable sources. Our products enable to make the change from single use plastic that otherwise would take over hundreds […]
Long Business Description

BioWare ME was established by a team of friends who strive to join the anti plastic movement. Founded in 2019 BioWare provides products that are total game changers biodegradable food packaging and hospitality products made from renewable sources.

Our products enable to make the change from single use plastic that otherwise would take over hundreds of years to be decomposed in nature to products made from sustainable and renewable resources from plants that will start decomposing in the matter of months.

The inspiration behind BioWare is to help reduce the environmental impact that the world is partaking in. We truly believe that if each individual makes the decision to change their plastic usage, we could help the growing problem that has impacted our planet. By choosing BioWare you would contribute to the salvation of the planet and help build a better and cleaner future.

United Arab Emirates

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