Dubai Can: everything you need to know! Where to refill bottles for free? Is tap water safe?

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The citywide initiative launched by the Crown Prince of Dubai aims to encourage residents and visitors to eliminate the use of single-use plastic bottles and refill their own reusable bottles


What is the goal behind ‘Dubai Can’?

The goal is to encourage people to stop using plastic water bottles and carry their own reusable bottles instead. It is part of the efforts to reduce the reliance on single-use plastic across Dubai.

Where can I refill water in Dubai?

Drinking water stations have been installed in major attractions across the city, including Kite Beach, Dubai World Trade Centre, Zabeel Park and Madinat Jumeirah. Around 50 more refill stations will be added across the emirate. The map of stations is available on the website

Are the water stations permanent?

Yes, the water stations will be provided all year long to encourage a culture of sustainability and reduce the use of plastic bottles.

Will the water be hot during the summer?

The water at the public stations will be kept at a temperature of 10°C to offer people a refreshing, clean and safe alternative, while driving a ‘refill culture’.

What kind of water do the public stations provide?

The water you will get from a Dubai Can refill station is similar to what you would get from a typical bottle of local, branded water. The process of the water desalination removes unhealthy impurities from water at its source.

More filters will also be used at the refill stations for an additional degree of safety.

Is the water served at water stations safe for drinking?

Yes. All water stations across the city will adhere to municipal, healthcare and federal regulations. This includes providing clean and safe drinking water, which will be tested in accordance with the Dubai Electricity and Water Authority (Dewa), GCC and World Health Organization (WHO) standards.

Can I drink tap water in the UAE?

According to the Conformity Affairs Department at the Emirates Authority for Standardisation and Metrology, tap water is safe to drink in the UAE.

The water across the UAE goes through the process of desalination, removing any ­impurities before it reaches your taps.

Where does the water tap in Dubai come from?

The vast majority of tap water and drinking water in Dubai is desalinated seawater from the Arabian Gulf.

What type of water should I drink at home?

Filtered tap water is safer than plastic water bottles. Installing an additional filter at home ensures the water is not affected by aging pipes or tanks.

Why should I stop using plastic water bottles?

Plastic bottles are among the items that can take up to 500 years to decompose, causing detrimental impact on the environment. Approximately 1.1 million marine creatures are killed by ocean plastic every year.

If we continue the same habits, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans by 2050, especially that 91 per cent of plastic is not recyclable.

How bad is the consumption of plastic water bottles in the UAE?

The average UAE resident can use around 450 plastic water bottles every year, bringing the total of plastic bottles used to four billion each year. In 2019, the UAE produced 8.3 billion tonnes of plastic.

Why is this initiative launched now?

Dubai has been leading efforts to reduce plastic consumption. Earlier last week, the emirate announced a 25 fils tariff on single-use plastic bags, with aims to ban the bags over the span of two years.

The initiative goes in line with the Dubai 2040 Urban Masterplan and supports the emirate’s commitment to achieving UAE NetZero 2050 initiative.

Carrying and refilling bottles takes effort. What are some benefits I can get from this habit?

You save money by relying on filtered tap water, reduce waste that harms the environment and save wildlife.

What are some tips I can follow to reduce my plastic consumption?

  • Carry refillable water containers to your office, school and hangouts
  • Refill your bottle at one of the water stations
  • Install water filters at your home
  • Practise sustainable living and inspire the community with your actions and choices

Can I install a drinking station at home or at work?

Individuals and Companies can install filtration systems at home or in their offices for as low as 1.000aed!

Contact Goumbook and join the movement: hundreds of offices, hotels, establishments, government entities and universities are already on board!

You Can, We Can, Dubai Can!