Dubai Can: one small change, one big impact

  • Post category:Lifestyle / Waste / Water
Man drinking out of a reusable bottle as an alternative to single-use plastic by Goumbook

Dubai Can, a city-wide initiative by the Crown Prince of Dubai, encourages organizations, residents and tourists to use alternatives to single-use plastic water bottles

Goumbook is proud to be the Strategic Partner and Trusted Sustainability Expert of the newly launched Dubai Can,  a sustainability initiative by His Highness the Crown Prince of Dubai.

Dubai Can aims to protect the environment by reducing the use of single-use plastic water bottles all across the city.

  • Every UAE resident uses 450 plastic water bottles on average per year, leading to yearly consumption of over 4 billion plastic bottles
  • 8.3billion tons of plastic were produced in the UAE in2019
  • By 2050, there will be more plastic than fish in the oceans
  • A staggering 91% of all plastics are not recycled at all
  • Plastic waste kills 1.1 million marine creatures annually

The key objective of Dubai Can is to create a change in culture and behaviour by championing a citywide “reduce single-use plastic bottles” movement to ensure that we make a positive impact on the environment. This will be achieved by promoting the use of refillable water bottles and water filters every day in offices or homes, and using the free drinking water fountains all across the city.

Goumbook has been working hand in hand with government entities, corporates and individuals during the last 6 years to raise awareness about the dangers of plastic pollution in our health and the environment, and helping corporations to transition to a plastic-free operation.

Contact us if you want to join this movement and need help with implementing solutions and best practices.

Join the Movement!

Everyone can and should make a difference. Your actions are an important contribution.

Here are some ways to help and be a part of the Dubai Can initiative:

  1. Carry refillable water containers and persuade family and friends to do the same
  2. Inform others about the free drinking water stations around the city and encourage their use
  3. Install water filters in your home
  4. Practice sustainable living and inspire the community with your actions and choices

Where can you refill?

Dubai Can refill stations across the city

Visit Dubai Can to learn more