Dubai Can: why and how to choose the right filtration system for your home

  • Post category:Lifestyle / Water

The Dubai Can initiative wants to encourage people to stop using plastic water bottles to reduce the reliance on single-use plastic across Dubai. We can all start making a difference from our homes installing a filtration system and drinking filtered tap water.


  • Tap water is safe to drink in the UAE
  • Local bottled water is tap water (read the label: “pure drinking water”)
  • Plastic releases toxic chemicals and micro particles in the water
  • BPA free bottles have another chemical that replaced BPA and we still don’t know the effects on our health
  • Sodium levels in tap water are totally safe, Sodium free water is a marketing initiative to boost sales: sodium in water is measured in microns and does not have any influence on our health.
  • If you are not sure about the quality of the water, always test your water to determine what type of filter you should use
  • Tap water has minerals and even if you are worried about your daily intake just make sure you eat the right foods: water needs to hydrate you, what you eat will give you the right amount of minerals and vitamins.
  • The PH of the local tap water is very good and alkaline
  • Tap water costs a few fills per liter while a one-liter bottle of water costs at least 5aed… you actually pay for the plastic, the storage, the transportation and logistics
  • Plastic lasts FOREVER, it never goes away


  • Local authorities can only guaranty the quality of the water to the point of entrance of the property/building but not after: clean tanks and pipes depend on facility management and building owners.
  • Water can contain some sand or extra chlorine that can be easily removed by a filter
  • Water dispensers use plastic gallons that are used many times and are stored at very high temperatures and toxic chemicals leach into the water!
  • Lab tests can help choose the right filter
  • If you really want to drink mineral water, choose brands that sell in glass bottles.


  • Lab tests should be done by certified independent laboratories approved by local authorities.
  • Filter providers should recommend you to a third party to test the water.
  • Avoid scam and don’t trust suppliers who add some chemical drops to your water and turn it brown to scare you and convince you to buy expensive filters.
  • Filters should be regularly changed, at least once a year.


Individuals can install filtration systems at home for as low as 1.000aed! Contact Goumbook if you have any additional question, in the meantime you can find below a list of suppliers we have worked with and that are part of Dubai Can*.

To test your water we recommend Core Lab,

You Can, We Can, Dubai Can!

* All suppliers are welcome to join the campaign. If you are a supplier and if you want to be part of Dubai Can, you can send us an email at, we’d be happy to help you and we’ll send you more information about the technical requirements and the process to join.