Electrolux Clean Air Initiative

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What We Do

Planting a Ghaf tree seed today means Clean Air for generations to come.

As part of its Clean Air campaign, Electrolux has partnered with Goumbook since 2014 pledging to plant 5,000 Ghaf seeds every year under the umbrella of the Give a Ghaf tree planting program.

The endangered Ghaf tree is seen as a regional symbol of well-being and Electrolux is playing its role in the preservation of the regional environment as part of the company’s overall commitment to the region and its initiative for cleaner, healthier living.

In this specific initiative, Electrolux engages with local schools to talk about both sustainability and the importance of the Ghaf tree. Following an awareness session in the main hall, all students are invited to plant their own Ghaf tree seed and dedicate it to a friend or a family member as a testament to their participation in the program.

“The Give a Ghaf tree planting program is an amazing initiative: it is fantastic to see so many children participating in the planting and learning about the importance of sustainable development at the same time. We’re thrilled to play our role in the preservation of the regional environment as part of our commitment to the region and its drive for cleaner, healthier living. We have planted more than 20,000 Ghaf trees over the past four  years, and we hope to reach 25,000 by the end of this year.” Lorenzo Milani, CEO of Electrolux Middle East and Africa