As a part of ampUz’s commitment to support the ecosystem during these difficult times, it has enhanced its thought leadership initiatives including the release of white papers, a webinar series, and implementation guidance tools to help organizations continue progressing their sustainability and impact agendas.
The white paper ‘Measuring Gender Equality in the Private Sector’ was developed based on its experiences with partners, clients, government and UN entities who had expressed that there is an inconsistent approach to achieving and sharing information on gender equality in the workplace and beyond.
The paper presents the implications of the Covid – 19 pandemic on women, the definition and exploration of gender data, the importance of transparency and data philanthropy, the necessary engagement of the private sector in measuring progress on the SDGs, and international frameworks that organizations can align with to help meet their internal ambitions. It is ultimately a call to action for organizations to define and disclose their data driven performance on SDG 5: gender equality.

Producing Data: Measuring Gender Equality in the Private Sector
The paper presents the implications of the Covid – 19 pandemic, the definition and exploration of gender data, the engagement of the private sector in measuring progress on the SDGs, the importance of transparency and data philanthropy, the necessary engagement of the private sector in measuring progress on the SDGs, and international frameworks for organizations to align with.
For more information, visit HERE